Healing is not always an easy journey

Life starts falling apart

Often we start healing when our life starts falling apart. Maybe we are facing a burn-out or other physical things that cannot be explained. It is clear that your old life is not suiting you anymore, but letting go of the old is scary. We help you to find confidence to embrace the unknown.

Finding your way again

You know you have to change but you have no clue where to start. You are googling a lot but there is so much available that you have no idea where to begin. We created an amazing structured environment where healing starts making a little sense. So that you can find your way again and build a new life.

Living your purpose and mission

Deep inside of you you know that you are here for something. You know that you have a mission and purpose. But to step into your purpose takes time and a deep understanding of who you are.  Let us guide you, so that you can start to remember who you are and why you came here.

We know this, because we were once stuck with the same issues and challenges

So we used our skills as professional healer to create courses for everyone. Helping you to understand the language of your soul on a deep level and guide you through your healing cycle.
Roosmarijn Malmberg
JOIN our beautiful and supportive space

Courses for every step in your healing cycle

Using the theory as the framework, we will guide you through each step using exercises, meditations and heaps of inspiration. The more actively you engage in the theory, the more it will stick with you and the more it can provide useful in your healing journey. Start with the course that aligns with your current level and get access to our space!

Our courses

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